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Virtual Events CSV Export

Initialize an export

POST /channels/{channelId}/virtual-event/{eventId}/exports.json


This request doesn’t require request body parameters.

The Content-Type of the request should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the export root object.

idnumberExport ID
statusstringOne of PROCESSING, PROCESSED
requested_attimestampTime of the request. Unix timestamp in seconds
expires_attimestampExpiration time. Unix timestamp in seconds
is_expiredbooleanIndicates whether the export request is expired
download_urlstringIf the export is not expired and the status is PROCESSED, it contains the url of the export file. Otherwise null

Example of a success response:

"export": {
"id": 123,
"status": "PROCESSED",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622111097,
"is_expired": false,
"download_url": ""

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe feature is not enabled for the user
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel or event
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel or event not found
500 Server Errorserver_errorAn error occurred
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

List export requests for an event

GET /channels/{channelId}/virtual-event/{eventId}/exports.json

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the exports root array.

idnumberExport ID
statusstringOne of PROCESSING, PROCESSED
requested_attimestampTime of the request. Unix timestamp in seconds
expires_attimestampExpiration time. Unix timestamp in seconds
is_expiredbooleanIndicates whether the export request is expired
download_urlstringIf the export is not expired and the status is PROCESSED, it contains the url of the export file. Otherwise null

Example of a success response:

"exports": [
"id": 123,
"status": "PROCESSED",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622111097,
"is_expired": false,
"download_url": ""

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe feature is not enabled for the user
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel or event
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel or event not found
500 Server Errorserver_errorAn error occurred
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Get an export item

GET /channels/{channelId}/virtual-events/{eventId}/exports/{exportId}.json

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the export root object.

idnumberExport ID
statusstringOne of PROCESSING, PROCESSED
requested_attimestampTime of the request. Unix timestamp in seconds
expires_attimestampExpiration time. Unix timestamp in seconds
is_expiredbooleanIndicates whether the export request is expired
download_urlstringIf the export is not expired and the status is PROCESSED, it contains the url of the export file. Otherwise null

Example of a success response:

"export": {
"id": 123,
"status": "PROCESSED",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622111097,
"is_expired": false,
"download_url": ""

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe feature is not enabled for the user
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel or event
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel, event or export not found
500 Server Errorserver_errorAn error occurred
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Delete an export item

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/virtual-events/{eventId}/exports/{exportId}.json

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “204 No Content” is returned.

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe feature is not enabled for the user
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel or event
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel, event or export not found
500 Server Errorserver_errorAn error occurred
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request