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Chat Export

List export tasks for a channel


Query Parameters

pagenumberOPTIONALPage number. The first page’s index is 1
pagesizenumberOPTIONALSize of a page.

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the exports root array. Timestamp ares Unix timestamps in seconds.

idnumberTask ID
statusstringValues: init, pending, completed, failed
requested_attimestampExport init date
expires_attimestampExport expiration
is_expiredbooleanAn export lives up 24 hours, after expiration it will expire, and needs to be deleted manually
start_datetimestampExport starting time
end_datetimestampExport ending time
part_countnumberAn export can contain up to 25 rooms (including direct and room conversations). If the requested export contains more, there will be multiple parts (tasks) created.
partnumberPart number
file_sizenumberExport size in bytes if the export is completed
download_urlstringUrl where the export json file can be downloaded

Additionally there is a paging element in the response with the following values:

previousstringLink to the previous page (if exists)
nextstringLink to the next page (if exists)
page_countnumberNumber of available pages
item_countnumberTotal number of items

Example of a success response:

"exports": [
"id": 123,
"status": "init",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622311094,
"is_expired": false,
"start_date": 1622111094,

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe user does not have the streamchat benefit
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Initialize an export



start_datetimestampREQUIREDStart date of the export
end_datetimestampREQUIREDEnd date of the export
include_mainbooleanOPTIONALExport should contain the General room. Default: true
include_privatebooleanOPTIONALExport should include direct/group conversations. Default: false
roomsstring[]OPTIONALList of the rooms to be included in the export request

The Content-Type of the request should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Example of the request:

POST /channels/1234/chat/exports.json HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 3c2573673b782f6544405a22636f3d5d3b6f3950
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the exports root array. Timestamps are Unix timestamps in seconds.

idnumberTask ID
statusstringValues: init, pending, completed, failed
requested_attimestampExport init date
expires_attimestampExport expiration
is_expiredbooleanAn export lives up 24 hours, after expiration it will expire, and needs to be deleted manually
start_datetimestampExport starting time
end_datetimestampExport ending time
part_countnumberAn export can contain up to 25 rooms (including direct and room conversations). If the requested export contains more, there will be multiple parts (tasks) created.
partnumberPart number
file_sizenumberExport size in bytes if the export is completed
download_urlstringUrl where the export json file can be downloaded

Example of a success response:

"exports": [
"id": 123,
"status": "init",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622311094,
"is_expired": false,
"start_date": 1622111094,

Error responses

Possible error responses:

400 Bad Requestbad_requestInvalid value was supplied
401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe user does not have the streamchat benefit
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Get an export task on a channel


Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the export root object. Timestamps are Unix timestamps in seconds.

idnumberTask ID
statusstringValues: init, pending, completed, failed
requested_attimestampExport init date
expires_attimestampExport expiration
is_expiredbooleanAn export lives up 24 hours, after expiration it will expire, and needs to be deleted manually
start_datetimestampExport starting time
end_datetimestampExport ending time
part_countnumberAn export can contain up to 25 rooms (including direct and room conversations). If the requested export contains more, there will be multiple parts (tasks) created.
partnumberPart number
file_sizenumberExport size in bytes if the export is completed
download_urlstringUrl where the export json file can be downloaded

Example of a success response:

"export": {
"id": 123,
"status": "init",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622311094,
"is_expired": false,
"start_date": 1622111094,
"end_date": 1632111094,

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe user does not have the streamchat benefit
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Delete an export task


Success response

Upon success, a response with HTTP status ““204” No content” is returned.

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe user does not have the streamchat benefit
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Restart an export task


Upon success, a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs inside the export root object. Timestamps are Unix timestamps in seconds.

idnumberTask ID
statusstringValues: init, pending, completed, failed
requested_attimestampExport init date
expires_attimestampExport expiration
is_expiredbooleanAn export lives up 24 hours, after expiration it will expire, and needs to be deleted manually
start_datetimestampExport starting time
end_datetimestampExport ending time
part_countnumberAn export can contain up to 25 rooms (including direct and room conversations). If the requested export contains more, there will be multiple parts (tasks) created.
partnumberPart number
file_sizenumberExport size in bytes if the export is completed
download_urlstringUrl where the export json file can be downloaded

Example of a success response:

"export": {
"id": 123,
"status": "init",
"requested_at": 1622111094,
"expires_at": 1622311094,
"is_expired": false,
"start_date": 1622111094,
"end_date": 1632111094,

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
402 Payment Requiredinvalid_requestThe user does not have the streamchat benefit
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request