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Ingest settings

If you wish to use a non-IBM encoder for broadcasting (like Flash Live Media Encoder, Wirecast, Tricaster, etc.), you will need a stream key or channel key to authenticate with IBM Video Streaming. This will prove that broadcasting to that particular channel is allowed. Also, you need to get the ingest point where your device or application should connect.

Get ingest settings



This request has no parameters.

Success response

Upon success a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with the following key-value pairs under an ingest element.

rtmp_urlstringIngest URL of the channel
rtmps_urlstringSecure ingest URL of the channel
channel_keystringPermanent authentication key for broadcasting on the specified channel
streaming_keystringTemporary authentication key for broadcasting on the specified channel. This expires after 10 minutes. If you request again before it expires the expiration period of the original key will extend by an additional 10 minutes.

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 Unauthorizedinvalid_tokenThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
403 Forbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request