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Get playlist information

List the playlists on a channel

Returns data on a video playlists created on a specific channel.



The parameters for the GET request:

pageintegerOPTIONALRequested page number (value is 1 by default)
pagesizeintegerOPTIONALRequested page size (value is 50 by default, max. 50)
filter[include_empty]stringOPTIONALIf the value is true then empty playlists will be returned (false by default)

Success response

Upon success, a set of key-value pairs is returned under a playlists element.

idstringUnique ID of the playlist.
titlestringTitle of the playlist
behaviorstringPossible values: static, dynamic
total_durationstringThe sum of the duration of the videos added to the playlist in seconds.
thumbnailobjectA set of key-value pairs containing URLs of the thumbnail images. Attributes: default and various image sizes (e.g. image_112x63, … , image_320x180, image_640x360, image_1920x1080)
created_atnumberTime of creation returned as a Unix timestamp
updated_atnumberTime of last update returned as a Unix timestamp
channel_idnumberThe unique ID of the channel

Example of a success response:

"playlists": [
"id": "111",
"title": "Title of a playlist",
"behavior": "static",
"total_duration": "176.256",
"thumbnail": {
"default": "",

The paging information can be found under the paging key. Example:

"paging": {
"previous": "",
"next": "",
"page_count": 8,
"item_count": 38

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel does not exist
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Get playlist details

Returns data of a specific video playlist.



This request has no parameters.

Success response

Upon success, a set of key-value pairs is returned under a playlists element.

idstringUnique ID of the playlist.
titlestringTitle of the playlist
behaviorstringPossible values: static, dynamic
total_durationstringThe sum of the duration of the videos added to the playlist in seconds
thumbnailobjectA set of key-value pairs containing URLs of the thumbnail images. Attributes: default and various image sizes (e.g. image_112x63, … , image_320x180, image_640x360, image_1920x1080)
created_atnumberTime of creation returned as a Unix timestamp
updated_atnumberTime of last update returned as a Unix timestamp
channel_idnumberThe unique ID of the channel

Example of a success response:

"playlist": {
"id": "111",
"title": "Title of a playlist",
"behavior": "static",
"total_duration": "176.256",
"thumbnail": {
"default": "",
"image_192x108": "",

Error responses

Possible error responses:

401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
403 ForbiddenForbiddenlack_of_ownershipThe API user is not allowed to manage the given channel
404 Not Foundnot_foundChannel or playlist does not exist
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request