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Viewer seconds

Live and recorded viewer consumption of all content for a given time period by seconds

Gives the total amount of time that all viewers spent watching live or on demand content within a given time period in an interval of seconds.



The query parameters for the GET request:

granularitystringOPTIONALhour, minute day, month, the default value is minute
date_time_fromstringREQUIREDStart date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
date_time_tostringREQUIREDEnd date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
content_idstringOPTIONALA list of comma separated IDs
_pageintegerOPTIONALRequested page number (value is 1 by default)
_limitintegerOPTIONALRequested page size (value is 10 by default, max. 10 000)

Success response

Upon success a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with an array under a data key. The elements of the array contain every data point wrapped in a ViewerSecondSeries object matching the query parameters. Each object has the following attributes under the attributes key:

content_typestringType of the content, either live or recorded
content_idintegerLive or recorded id
timestringDate and time for the datapoint in ISO8601 format
valueintegerNumber of peak viewers

Example of a success response:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"content_type": "live",
"content_id": 238589,
"time": "2020-07-16T00:00:00+01:00",
"value": 11

Error responses

Possible error responses:

400 Bad RequestValidation of the parameters has failed, the response contains a detailed explanation
401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
404 Not FoundResource was not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Live or recorded viewer consumption of all or given content IDs for a given time period in seconds

Gives the total amount of time that all viewers spent watching all live and on demand content or limits this to just specific content by ID. The figure is limited toa given time period and is reported in an interval of seconds.



The query parameters for the GET request:

content_typestringREQUIREDType of the content, either live or recorded
granularitystringOPTIONALhour, minute day, month, the default value is minute
date_time_fromstringREQUIREDStart date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
date_time_tostringREQUIREDEnd date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
content_idstringOPTIONALA list of comma separated IDs
_pageintegerOPTIONALRequested page number (value is 1 by default)
_limitintegerOPTIONALRequested page size (value is 10 by default, max. 10 000)

Success response

Upon success a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with an array under a data key. The elements of the array contain every data point wrapped in a ViewerSecondSeries object matching the query parameters. Each object has the following attributes under the attributes key:

content_typestringType of the content, either live or recorded
content_idintegerLive or recorded id
timestringDate and time for the datapoint in ISO8601 format
valueintegerNumber of peak viewers

Example of a success response:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"content_type": "live",
"content_id": 238589,
"time": "2020-07-16T00:00:00+01:00",
"value": 11

Error responses

Possible error responses:

400 Bad RequestValidation of the parameters has failed, the response contains a detailed explanation
401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
404 Not FoundResource was not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Recorded viewer consumption of all content on the defined channels for a given time period in seconds

Gives the total amount of time that all viewers spent watching on demand content on defined channels within a given time period in an interval of seconds.



The query parameters for the GET request:

channel_idintegerREQUIREDA list of comma separated IDs
granularitystringOPTIONALhour, minute day, month, the default value is minute
date_time_fromstringREQUIREDStart date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
date_time_tostringREQUIREDEnd date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
_pageintegerOPTIONALRequested page number (value is 1 by default)
_limitintegerOPTIONALRequested page size (value is 10 by default, max. 10 000)

Success response

Upon success a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with an array under a data key. The elements of the array contain every data point wrapped in a ViewerSecondSeries object matching the query parameters. Each object has the following attributes under the attributes key:

content_typestringType of the content, for this endpoint recorded only
content_idintegerVideo id
timestringDate and time for the datapoint in ISO8601 format
valueintegerNumber of peak viewers

Example of a success response:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"content_type": "recorded",
"content_id": 238589,
"time": "2020-07-16T00:00:00+01:00",
"value": 11

Error responses

Possible error responses:

400 Bad RequestValidation of the parameters has failed, the response contains a detailed explanation
401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
404 Not FoundResource was not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request

Live or recorded viewer consumption summary for given content ID in time period in seconds

Gives the total amount of time that all viewers spent watching on demand content within a given time period in an interval of seconds.



The query parameters for the GET request:

content_idintegerREQUIREDSingle content id
date_time_fromstringREQUIREDStart date and time for a period in ISO8601 format
date_time_tostringREQUIREDEnd date and time for a period in ISO8601 format

Success response

Upon success a response with HTTP status “200 OK” is returned with a zero or one length array under a data key. The element of the array contains a data point wrapped in a PeakSeries object matching the query parameters. It has the following attributes under the attributes key:

content_typestringType of the content, for this endpoint recorded only
media_idintegerVideo ID
valueintegerNumber of peak viewers

Example of a success response:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"content_type": "recorded",
"content_id": 238589,
"value": 11
"type": "ViewerSecondSummary"

Error responses

Possible error responses:

400 Bad RequestValidation of the parameters has failed, the response contains a detailed explanation
401 UnauthorizedThe provided access token is missing, revoked, expired or malformed
404 Not FoundResource was not found
503 Service UnavailableThere is a temporary error on the server which makes it impossible to serve the request